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At Meadowhead Infant School we believe that computing capability is an essential skill for daily life and enables learners to participate more readily in our rapidly changing world.

The use of information and technology is an integral part of the National Curriculum and our children have lots of opportunities to use different types of technology in class and during their weekly computing lesson.

At Meadowhead Infant School, we believe that children are entitled to quality hardware and software and a structured and progressive approach to the learning of the skills needed to enable them to use it effectively. Our aim is to develop children’s understanding and skills in order to develop them as 21st century learners.

Our aim for the computing curriculum - 

  • Our broad and balanced computing curriculum provides all children with key computing skills needed for everyday life.
  • Using Purple Mash (which is closely linked to the National Curriculum) we offer opportunities for students to develop their computing skills, such as using spreadsheets and coding.
  • All children will have the opportunity to use various technology, such as laptops, iPads and programmable toys during their time at Meadowhead Infant School.  
  • We will enable all students to access to and develop an enjoyment of computing which will sustain through their lives
  • To know how to keep safe on the internet and talk about why it is important


Children in EYFS access different types of technology during continuous provision. Children in KS1 have a computing lesson each week in the computing suite. They have their own laptop and are able to complete different programmes and save the work that they have done during the lesson.

We plan our computing using Purple Mash (which links closely to the National Curriculum and our school values). While there are opportunities for children of all abilities to develop their skills and knowledge and creativity, the progressive plans ensure that students are increasingly challenged as they move through the school.

Each year group will cover units, such as Coding, Spreadsheets and Internet Safety over the year.

Children access computing in the Foundation Stage by using Mini Mash. Children are able to use devices in their classroom, e.g. IWB to access this programme and explore the different areas which mirror the areas of continuous provision.

They also use the programmable toys and remote control cars and have a range of technology in the classroom to support role play, such as telephones.

There is a variety of computing resources for use across the school, including a computing suite where up to 15 children can use the laptops. We also have Ipads in each classroom, as well as IWB and programmable toys/remote control cars.


Children demonstrate their ability in computing in a variety of different ways. Teachers will assess children in computing by taking note of any children who they feel are/are at risk of falling behind or exceeding expectations.

At the end of each term/unit of work, teachers use their knowledge and classroom assessments from teaching the children to inform their formal assessments. They will decide if children are expected, emerging or exceeding. The subject lead then analyses this data.

Children save work in their personalised folders. This shows the progression/skills learnt across the year groups.

Long Term Plans